I was already developing my own website to promote my products & services to private clients when the Plandemic hit, I updated the site on COVID Immune Boosting Healthy Treatments for everyone then George Floyd was executed, the expected mass rioting didn’t happen & his passing brought so many angered from frustration & hurt together, We found a new sense of self & began to move similar to when Roots was first aired on British television.
Now the rise of the black business directories flung the doors open,
I remember my sister sending me a link to Black Owned Economy, they launched and within 2 days over 60,000 businesses registered this was replicated amongst other directories & it is great we’re all on each others directories but as I thought after speaking to a few networks they are saying just as I & many had seen before even with the benefits of mass social media.
The collective movement begins to slow & disperse into splintered groups as has happened in past experiences.
I knew that now is the time to bring our vast number of black owned businesses & entrepreneurs together in a way that will ensure total self support & investment within our community that is sustainable now & in the future.
I like us all can feel our collective senses waking up & know now is the best opportunity we have to unite, as our conscious will is in a place where we can actually make this happen & have a serious impact on our future development within the business world & throughout our communities economic, educational & social rise.
I’ve always been enthused about creating concept solutions for other friends, family & clients projects. To be honest I found it hard to work on my own creations whether it was funding or having the right individuals around me who had the same passion in a product to take it to the next level.
This time I found the right concept & formula for us all.
The problem we have is no economic unity & unified base from which to determine our future direction as a whole to expand rapidly.
The advertising solution we are offering will unify our business core establish a growing economic foot hold and establish a serious networking base within the UK expandig worldwide..